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Media Advisory: Maryland Officials & Non-Profits Unite to Combat Elder Financial Abuse
Maryland, along with states across the country, has experienced a significant increase in the number of financial exploitation cases over the last few years, particularly those involving seniors. Exploitation occurs…

State of Maryland Transforms Social Services Using AWS
The Maryland Department of Human Services (DHS) designed and built Maryland’s Total Human-services Integrated Network (MD THINK) to deliver integrated health and human services programs to the state’s most vulnerable…

Elder Abuse: Realities and Resources (WYPR Interview)
There are more senior citizens every year, and more are becoming victims of elder abuse—6,300 cases were investigated in Maryland last year alone. The abuse can be financial, physical, sexual,…

Elder Abuse Prevention
Baltimore, MD (June 1, 2013) Every year, an estimated 2.1 million older Americans are victims of elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation. The National Center for Elder Abuse states that for…

World Elder Abuse Prevention
BALTIMORE, MARYLAND (June 12, 2012) — On June 15, the Maryland Department of Human Resources will honor World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: a time to raise awareness and educate the…

Draft Social Services Block Grant report available for comment
BALTIMORE, MD (July 28, 2011). The Department of Human Resources’ Draft Social Services Block Grant Report for the period October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012 is now available for…

Three DHR experts make media appearances to bring attention to critical issues
BALTIMORE (JUNE 13, 2011) – Department of Human Resources’ programs experts will make media appearances to bring attention to Baltimore City Department of Social Services recruitment of foster parents willing…

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day June 15, 2011
BALTIMORE: (June 2, 20110) – Each year in Maryland, officials receive over 8,000 reports of elder abuse. The actual number of abuse victims may be much higher. It is estimated that…

Your neighbor may be suffering in silence: know the signs of elder abuse
BALTIMORE – The number of elderly continues to grow as baby boomers age and life expectancy continues to expand. Our mobile society has afforded individuals the opportunity to settle apart and away from their immediate family causing many to ultimately age away from loved ones.