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DHR Deputy Secretary Carnitra White Tapped To Serve On National Child Welfare Board
Baltimore, MD (October 6, 2014) — Carnitra White, deputy secretary for the Maryland Department of Human Resources (DHR) was elected on September 14, 2014, by the membership of the Child…

Deadline for Disaster Relief Grants for Victims of Western Maryland Flooding Approaching
Media Contact: Brian Schleter 410-767-8944 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Cumberland, Md. (September 22, 2014) – Allegany and Washington County residents impacted by the extreme flooding that took place June 12, 2014,…

Lt. Governor Brown Greets Foster Parents at Annual Baltimore City DSS Mother’s Day Breakfast
Please click here to download press release. Lt. Governor Brown Greets Foster Parents at Annual Baltimore City DSS Mother’s Day Breakfast Breakfast is one of several events occurring across the…

DHR Proposes Adding New Protections To State Law For Safely Reunifying Children With Their Families
BALTIMORE, MD (April 30, 2014)—The Maryland Department of Human Resources (DHR) will seek to add new protections to state law guiding the process of reunifying children in foster care with…

Washington County Department of Social Services Golden Fork
Herald Mail: June 19, 2013 — Washington County Department of Social Services Golden Fork

Secretary Dallas And DHR Staff To Kick Off Week Of Volunteerism In Support Of The Stronger Together Campaign
BALTIMORE, MARYLAND (December 19, 2011) – This week, Secretary Dallas and Department of Human Resources (DHR) staff from across the state will be volunteering their time in support of Governor…

Picnic honors adoptive, foster families
Herald Mail: July 30, 2011 — Event was hosted by the Washington County Department of Social Services and the Washington County League of Foster and Adoptive Families

Rotarians help furnish new foster family visitation center
Cecil Whig – Josh Sannon (July 25, 2011) Donations from the Elkton Rotary Club will help furnish the Cecil County Department of Social Services’ new foster family visitation center, set to…

Experts Bring Attention To The Need For Foster Homes For Older Youth
BALTIMORE – Over half of the children in foster care in Baltimore City are teenagers, but foster parents are reluctant to take them in.