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Maryland Department of Human Services Announces Move to New Downtown Baltimore City Building
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 26, 2024 Media Contact: Brian Schleter Maryland Department of Human Services Announces Move to New Downtown Baltimore City Building BALTIMORE, MD — The Maryland Department…

Noncustodial Parents Step Up to Career Pathways in Baltimore City
Contact: Kari Nye (410) 767-8592 Noncustodial Parents Step Up to Career Pathways in Baltimore City New partnerships facilitate job-training, job placement, and family-sustaining wages for Baltimore City noncustodial parents…

Senior Citizen Households’ Food Supplement Benefit Increases
Senior Citizen Households’ Food Supplement Benefit Increases New Law Implemented October 1, 2016 Contact: Kari Nye (410) 767-8592 Baltimore—Effective October 1, 2016, Maryland households with a member who is…

Child Support’s Day of Reconciliation Offered a Path to Resolve Nonsupport Bench Warrants without Arrest
Operation Reconciliation extended to more than 400 individuals; initiative reflects effort to reconcile needs of custodial parents with challenges of noncustodial parents Contact: Kari Nye (410) 767-8592 Baltimore—A creative…

Annapolis Family Support Center Opens Tot Lot Play Area
2015-12-16 Tot Lot Opening press release Click the link to see a video of the park opening:

Department of Human Resources brings attention to parenting older youth
Media contact: Katherine Morris 410-767-8944 Paula Tolson 410-767-8947 Media Advisory Department of Human Resources brings attention to parenting older youth BALTIMORE (November 16, 2015) – Kerry James, director…

Maryland Department of Human Resources Establishes an Emergency Call Center in response to Maryland’s State of Emergency
BALTIMORE, MD- In response to the State of Emergency declared yesterday, the Maryland Department of Human Resources (DHR) mobilized an Emergency Command Center to further support Governor Hogan’s efforts to…

Maryland Department of Human Resources Promotes Importance of Social Work
Social Service Agencies and and the National Association of Social Workers Celebrate March as National Social Work Month BALTIMORE, MD – March 2, 2015 – Maryland Department of Human Resources…

Baltimore County Child Advocacy Center Earns Re-Accreditation from National Children’s Alliance
Baltimore County, Maryland — The Baltimore County Department of Social Service’s Child Advocacy Center has been re-accredited by National Children’s Alliance (NCA) following an extensive application and review. The Baltimore…