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DHR Secretary Ted Dallas to Receive Prestigious Child Welfare Improvement Award
Baltimore, MD (December 15, 2014) — Maryland Department of Human Resources Secretary Ted Dallas will receive a Casey Excellence for Children Award for Child Welfare Leader for 2014. The award…

DHR Deputy Secretary Carnitra White Tapped To Serve On National Child Welfare Board
Baltimore, MD (October 6, 2014) — Carnitra White, deputy secretary for the Maryland Department of Human Resources (DHR) was elected on September 14, 2014, by the membership of the Child…

Maryland Launches New Approach For Working With Families in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases on Eastern Shore
Alternative Response initiative starting tomorrow focuses on improving child safety, strengthening families BALTIMORE, MD (March 31, 2014) – Maryland Department of Human Resources (DHR) Secretary Ted Dallas announces the launch…

Maryland Launches New Approach For Working With Families in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases
Alternative Response initiative starting today in Carroll, Howard, Baltimore, Harford and Cecil Counties focuses on improving child safety, strengthening families BALTIMORE, MD (November 1, 2013) — Maryland Department of Human…

DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES RELEASES DRAFT SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT REPORT FOR 2014 Baltimore, MD (August 8, 2013)…The Department of Human Resources Draft Social Services Block Grant Report for the…

Department of Human Resources Announces Award Recommendations for $191 Million Residential Child Care Contracts
BALTIMORE, MD (April 25, 2013)—The Department of Human Resources today announced the results of a competitive contracting process that will reshape Maryland’s child welfare service delivery system through 2016. The…

Frederick County Department of Social Services To Be Honored For Innovative Partnership Benefiting Area Foster Youth
Media Contact: Brian Schleter. 443-253-4204 FREDERICK, MD (April 15, 2013) –– The Frederick County Department of Social Services and several of its community partners will be honored for creating a…

Prince George’s County Department of Social Services Encourages County Residents to Prevent Child Abuse
April is Child Abuse Awareness Month Landover, MD – The Prince George’s County Department of Social Services joins organizations across the nation in highlighting the importance of Child Abuse…

BALTIMORE (April 3, 2013) – April is National Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month, and the Maryland Department of Human Resources (DHR) is partnering with child welfare advocates and the community…

Maryland and District of Columbia Streamline Placing Children Across Borders for Foster Care
BALTIMORE, MD —(March 5, 2013) The Maryland Department of Human Resources and the District of Columbia Child and Family Services Agency have signed an agreement that makes it easier…