Camp Connect Celebrates its 19th Year of Reuniting Siblings

Camp Connect recently celebrated its 19th year of reuniting siblings who were separated while in foster care. Camp Connect was started by the Baltimore County Department of Social Services in 2000 and aims to provide opportunities for siblings to maintain connections through recreational and emotionally supportive environments.

From 6/18 to 6/22, a total of 52 campers from 21 sibling groups across 9 Maryland jurisdictions bonded and created memories together at the Manidokan Camp and Retreat Center located in Frederick County. Siblings enjoyed horseback riding, zip lining, white-water rafting, swimming, arts and crafts, campfires, field trips, and evening entertainment like talent shows. They also wrote touching messages to their siblings on keepsake blankets handcrafted by staff.

Baltimore County Administrative Officer Stacy L. Rodgers, a former kinship care provider, was delighted to tour the camp and thank Mark Millspaugh, Deputy Director for Social Services, and his team for facilitating such a meaningful experience for disconnected siblings.

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