Talbot DSS Hosts Conversation about Adverse Childhood Experiences and Building Resiliency


CONTACT: Linda Webb, Director, Talbot County Department of Social Services (410-770-4848)

Shari Blades, Assistant Director, Talbot County Department of Social Services (410-770-5652)


Talbot DSS Hosts Conversation about Adverse Childhood Experiences and Building Resiliency

Tonier “Neen” Cain lived for 20 years on the streets filled with hunger, brutality and substance abuse. Incarcerated and pregnant in 2004, someone finally took the time to ask: “what happened to you?” instead of “what’s wrong with you?”

On September 13 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Easton High School Auditorium, Talbot County Department of Social Services is sponsoring an event, “Creating a Conversation about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Building Resiliency,” featuring speaker, Tonier “Neen” Cain-Muldrow, a trauma survivor and internationally-recognized Trauma Informed Care Expert. The event, which will be held in collaboration with the Talbot County Health Department, Talbot County Public Schools, and Talbot Goes Purple, will educate the public about the impact of trauma on the brain and building resilience. The evening will include the airing of the award-winning film, “Healing Neen,” which describes the devastating impact of childhood abuse and Ms. Cain-Muldrow’s emergence from drug addiction, incarceration and homelessness. The evening will also feature remarks from Cain-Muldrow and an ACE master trainer who will discuss the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on the brain and the factors that build resilience.

Tonier Cain-Muldrow’s work has focused on heightening awareness of the characteristics and effects of trauma and improving the performance of service providers, businesses, government agencies and others who interact with trauma victims and survivors.

According to Linda Webb, director of Talbot County Department of Social Services, “We think this program will speak to every age group in every socio-economic level in our community. This topic should resonate not only with human service providers, but with those in business, as well, as we explore the connection between investing in early childhood and lifelong outcomes that impact the health of Talbot County’s workforce. We hope this  film, ‘Healing Neen,’ will be the first in a series of community education events that will begin a conversation about how untreated trauma affects individuals and society at-large, including mental health problems, addiction, homelessness and incarceration, as well as how we can mitigate Adverse Childhood Experiences so children can grow into healthy, resilient and productive members of our community. The event is free to the public. The first 200 participants will also receive a copy of the book, “Healing Neen.” For further information, call 410-770-5750.

Tonier Cain-Muldrow, a trauma survivor and internationally-recognized Trauma Informed Care Expert, will speak at an event, “Creating a Conversation about Adverse Childhood Experiences and Building Resiliency,” on September 13 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Easton High School Auditorium.

Filed in: DHS News, In this County, Talbot County

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