Media Contact:
Brian Schleter
Talbot County Department of Social Services Hosts Thanks for Giving Event for Foster and Adoptive Parents
EASTON, MD, (NOVEMBER 17, 2023) — The Talbot County Department of Social Services (TCDSS) recently held a Thanks for Giving appreciation event and training for 20 foster and adoptive parents and staff. The event was held in conjunction with National Adoption Month being recognized in November. This year’s event combined family recognition, as well as training focused on caring for medically fragile children.
The trainers for the Medically Fragile Children’s panel were Vicky Smith, RN, of REM Case Management, who spoke on REM case management and medical terminology; Stephanie Blades, RN, of University of Maryland Shore Regional Health, who spoke on Substance Exposed Newborns (SEN); and Rachael Crawford, RN, of the Talbot County Health Department, who provided a virtual presentation on juvenile diabetes, EpiPens, and allergic reactions.
“This was a topic requested by our resource parents to establish a baseline for all foster and adoptive parents and offer them a level of confidence to navigate the care of medically fragile children in their care,” comments Chrissy Montague, Coordinator, Option Respite & Parent Education at TCDSS.
Families who participated in the training also received a takeout Thanksgiving meal prepared by the Chesapeake Culinary Center and a Thanksgiving platter and hand towel craft to take home and do with their children. Talbot County DSS provides ongoing training for its foster and adoptive parents, as well as a support group.
For further information on becoming a foster or adoptive parent in Talbot County, call the Talbot County Department of Social Services at 410-820-7371, or visit

The Baynard family picks up their craft at the Talbot County Department of Social Services Thanks for Giving event. Pictured from left to right are Cora, Sarah, Bryan, and Kenton Baynard.

Pictured are participants of a training, “Medically Fragile Children’s Training,” for Talbot County foster and adoptive parents. Pictured standing left to right are Chrissy Montague, Raven Lake, Katherine Harrison, Judy Barron, Norwood Caldwell, and Sandra Caldwell; Kathy Jenkins, Emprin Wilson, Tyron Wilson, Jessica Flaherty, Brian Flaherty, Jeanne Scharf, Todd Sink, Meaghan Davis, Christie Sink, and Paris Quillet. Seated are trainers Stephanie Blades, RN, University of Maryland Shore Regional Health, and Vicky Smith, RN, REM Case Management.