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Six Outstanding Young Women Named Women of Tomorrow

Baltimore, MD ( June 24, 2015); Six young women will be honored by the Maryland Commission for Women at the Women of Tomorrow awards ceremony on June 25 in Annapolis.

The Women of Tomorrow Awards Program was established in 1997 to recognize young women from across the state whose extraordinary accomplishments have put them on track to become tomorrow’s leaders. The program honors girls who have achieved records of academic excellence and exceptional community service.

Each year, teachers, guidance counselors, school administrators, Girls Scout leaders, religious leaders and other adults across Maryland are invited to submit nominations for outstanding students in three age groups: 7 – 8; 9 – 10 and 11 – 12. An independent, all-volunteer committee reviews the applications and determines the three honorees and three who receive honorable mention in each grade group. All six students will be presented awards at a dinner ceremony at the Sheraton Annapolis Hotel.

This year, the program will feature a very special keynote speaker: Major General Linda Singh, recently appointed by Governor Larry Hogan as the first woman ever to lead the Maryland National Guard. The Adjutant General will share her own extraordinary and inspiring journey to a position of leadership in our state’s military.

Twenty-four girls from across the state were nominated for this honor. The six who were selected are:
Tiffany Alexandra Ramcharan, Grade 12 Tuscarora High School, Frederick County
Sydney Anderson, Honorable Mention, Grade 12 Huntingtown High School, Calvert County
Maria De Feo, Grade 9 Westminster High School, Carroll County
Samirah Brown, Honorable Mention, Grade 9, Calvert County
Julia Lizik, Grade 7 Crestwood Middle School, Calvert County
Payton Steele, honorable Mention, Grade 7 Shiloh Middle School, Carroll County

For more information, and to register to attend the program, visit
Located within the administration of the Department of Human Resources, the Maryland Commission for Women, established by the Maryland Legislature in 1971, promotes the social, political, and economic equality of Maryland women. It advises government, advances solutions, and serves as a statewide resource to expand social, political, and economic opportunities for all women.

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