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Queen Anne’s County DSS Advisory Board Conference

On October 18 and 19, 2012, the Queen Anne’s County Department of Social Services (QACDSS) Advisory Board hosted the Maryland Association of Social Services Boards (MASSB) annual statewide conference held at the Hilton Garden Inn-Kent Island.   The theme of the conference was “Maryland Moving Forward”.  The Chair of the MASSB, David Pool, and his executive board organized the event by arranging speakers etc. with the assistance of the QACDSS local board.   Members of Advisory Boards from 18 counties attended the wonderful two day event highlighted by a Crab Feast at Fisherman’s Crab Deck.  Speakers included Department of Human Resources (DHR) Secretary Ted Dallas, Allyson Black, DHR Office of Government and Community Affairs and Mark Peorio, Legal Counsel to the MASSB.  All counties were invited to submit a presentation of their local Best Practices and were also asked to nominate a local Board of the Year as well as a Board Member of the Year.  In 2011, the QA County Advisory Board won the coveted Board of the Year.  The award for best practices goes to a county DSS that presents the most innovative new practice and is given the Paul Hastings award which includes cash.  This year’s winner of the Paul Hastings award was divided between Talbot and Caroline Counties with each receiving $800. The second place winner went to St. Mary’s County with an award of $400.  The Board of the Year award went to Washington County and the Board Member of the Year was awarded to two board members from Kent  County, Dr. Joseph Irr and Ms. Marcie Woodward.  Presentations of best practices were especially well received by the audience as they felt it was a benefit to all.  They hope to continue these discussions while facing the challenge of doing more with less as well as recognizing the need to keep staff satisfied and motivated to meet the needs of the customers.   Especially delightful was the performance of a Grasonville group of young women called the “Sisters with Goals” who performed before dinner at the Crab Deck.  These bright and talented young women have demonstrated good school work  and many in the crowd of visitors expressed their pleasure of watching the performance.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the local QACDSS Advisory Board, you may contact Leslie Salvatori at the Queen Anne’s County Commissioner’s Office, 107 North Liberty Street, Centreville, Maryland  21617.

Filed in: Queen Anne's County

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