Kent County Department of Social Services – COA Accreditation

Kent County Department of Social Services (KCDSS) has achieved national accreditation through the New York based Council on Accreditation (COA). This prestigious recognition is is the culmination of an rigorous 12 month process that included the evaluation of all aspects of KCDSS programs, services, management and administration.
COA accreditation is an objective, independent and reliable validation of an agency’s performance. The COA accreditation process involves a detailed review and analysis of an organizations administration, management and service delivery functions against international standards of best practice.

The standards driving accreditation ensure that services are well-coordinated, culturally competent, evidence-based, outcome-oriented and provided by a skilled and supported workforce.
Organizations pursue accreditation to document their implementation of best practice standards and quality service in the field of human services. Kent County DSS demonstrated accountability in the management of resources, established standardized best practice thresholds for service and administration , increased organizational capacity and accountability and created a framework for ongoing quality improvement

A group of specially trained Peer Reviewers confirmed adherence to these standards during a series of on-site interviews with trustees, staff and customers. Based on their findings, COA Commission confirmed KCDSS had successfully met the criteria for accreditation.

Pictured is the staff that assisted with the successful accreditation of KCDSS:

L to R: Sandra Crawford, Elizabeth Bankhead, Vastina Fisher, Patty Dahle, Shelly Neal-Edwards, Nikki Strong, Martha Wefelmeyer, Julie Handzo, Joyce Prickett, Lisa Falls

Not pictured are: Kathy Nolan, Lindsay Blume, Ann Marie Harris and Kathryn McAllister

Filed in: DHS News, In the Press, In this County, Kent County

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