Governor O’Malley and Mayor Rawlings Blake Recognize Baltimore DSS Staff

On Thursday, May 3, Governor Martin O’Malley and  Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake paid a surprise visit to the Baltimore City DSS Biddle Street office to recognize staff who rescued an infant from a life threatening situation  on April  24.  The quick action of staff, some placing themselves in harm’s way, de-escalated a very violent situation.

Dana Hayes shouts  for help brought  William Purnell Short III into the conference room where the infant was being  stabbed  with a knife by her mother.  Mr. Short was able to hit the suspect with a chair, and subdue her until police arrived. The infant was rescued by another staff person when the suspect dropped her.  Other staff responding to the situation called  911 for immediate police and paramedic assistance.

Both officials acknowledge the importance and  difficulty of the work  done was social service employees as well as the “bravery and valor of all.”


Filed in: Baltimore City, DHS News, Secretary's Office

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