Food Stamp Beneficiaries are Eligible for Replacement Benefits

Replacement benefits are federally funded; help replace food spoiled by power outages

Reisterstown, Maryland (July 3, 2012) – Secretary Ted Dallas today announced that low-income Maryland households enrolled in the Food Supplement Program (FSP) are eligible for replacement benefits to cover food spoiled by power outages resulting from the severe thunderstorms that affected the entire State of Maryland on June 29 and June 30, 2012.

“On behalf of Governor O’Malley, the Department of Human Resources is working with the federal government to help vulnerable Marylanders who lost power in the recent storms get back on their feet quickly,” said Ted Dallas, secretary of the Department of Human Resources.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service allows States to replace the value of food lost in a disaster for people who are enrolled in the Food Supplement Program, which is Maryland’s version of the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Individuals will only be eligible for replacement benefits if they already enrolled in the Food Supplement Program prior to last week’s storms.

Due to the extent of the power outages in Anne Arundel County, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Howard County, Montgomery County and Prince George’s County, individuals and families who receive FSP benefits in those jurisdictions will be automatically awarded replacement benefits and do not need to take any individual action.

FSP beneficiaries from other parts of the state should visit their local department of social services (LDSS) to apply for replacement benefits not later than Wednesday, July 11, 2012. LDSS offices will be closed on July 4th.

Individuals are eligible for replacement benefits if they:

  • are currently on enrolled in the Food Supplement Program;
  • lost power as a result of the severe thunderstorms that affected the entire State of Maryland on June 29 and June 30, 2012; and
  • had refrigerated or frozen food spoil as a result of that power loss.
Filed in: DHS News, Economic Assistance

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One Response to "Food Stamp Beneficiaries are Eligible for Replacement Benefits"

  1. thdrcatz99 says:

    when will we recieve these benefits?

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