Department Of Human Resources Announces Sweeping Changes To Maryland’s Child Support Enforcement Administration

Increased accountability, reorganization will help Maryland become a national leader in support collection

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND (December 19, 2011)– The Maryland Department of Human Resources (DHR) today announced the appointment of Joseph J. DiPrimio as the new executive director of the Child Support Enforcement Administration (CSEA) as part of a comprehensive effort to make Maryland a national leader in child support collection.

“There is no reason that in Maryland, the state with the highest per capita income of any state, we cannot lead the nation in collecting the support that is due to our children” said Ted Dallas, secretary of the Department of Human Resources. “My goal is to make Maryland one of the top ten states in terms of child support collections within the next 18 months. Joe brings a wealth of experience to the position and I know he will hit the ground running.”

Mr. DiPrimio has held leadership positions with the Philadelphia Family Court and the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Child Support Enforcement Unit. He later served as court administrator of the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania, where he was responsible for overseeing the administration of the entire Philadelphia Court System. In 2002, he moved to Annapolis, where he has worked in the private sector providing technological and operational support to courts across the nation.

“It’s a privilege to serve children and families in Maryland,” said DiPrimio. “I am very thankful for this opportunity and I am looking forward to getting to work. Our approach will be tough but fair — Maryland’s children and families deserve nothing less.” Mr. DiPrimio joins the department as it begins to undertake sweeping changes to become a national leader in child support collections. Under his leadership, the department’s Child Support Enforcement Administration will:

  • increase collections by better leveraging targeted enforcement tools, such as the garnishment of wagesand bank accounts and the suspension of professional licenses;
  • streamline operations by adopting best practices to increase the amount of support collected and expedite the distribution of child support payments to families;
  • improve accountability by moving the Audit Unit to the Office of the Inspector General; and
  • establish a Child Support Advisory Committee comprised of parents, child advocates and public and private sector stakeholders to help implement improvements and make Maryland’s child supportsystem more responsive.

The Child Support Enforcement Administration is responsible for operating a statewide child support program and provides services to both noncustodial and custodial parents, which include the establishment of paternity and child support orders, the collection of support payments, and the distribution of such funds. CSEA distributes funds to custodial parents and helps custodial parents enforce the legal child support obligations of noncustodial parents.

For more information, visit the Maryland Department of Human Resources.


Filed in: Child Support, DHS News

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One Response to "Department Of Human Resources Announces Sweeping Changes To Maryland’s Child Support Enforcement Administration"

  1. kvoyce says:

    I can’t wait for the “new” guy and what he says he is going to do….because after what we have been thru with the Child Support Enforcement Agency has not been with good standings. In fact, we think the entire idea from the courts to the so called “child support enforcement” is absolute joke, you can’t bank on anything they claim, because from where we stand there has not been any “enforcement” whatsoever. I think the state of Maryland and the entire state governement, and the county government as a farce. I was a state employee, a damned good one too, I put all I had into my position as I received “Employee of the Year” in 2008, after only a few years on the job. But as I have had to deal with other state agencies and the county governement after losing my state job to Central Nervous Systems Lymes Disease, there was little help if any from several of the state and county offices. Of which I continued to struggle today, waiting for my disability from the Social Security. Anyhoot, if I had received the much needed help as I requested it, things could have had a complete different out come. But you all decided to not give a damn….so now I am sick, no health insurance (so I cannot get treatment), lost my home (therefore homeless)….and if not for my family I would be dead….. But of course you all don’t give a damn. Everything we have done, we have done ourselves with tremendous help from our families….if we did not have that…not sure where we would be.

    So keep telling yourself and keep hiring so called experts and keep doing what you all do best. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, because to you all its just a pay check and that is what it will ever be.

    Until we see justice for “our” daughter….I will believe then.

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