Charles County Commissioners Support Local Farmers’ Market Day Event

The Charles County Commissioners are pleased to announce that Charles County Government is partnering with the Department of Social Services (DSS) and other community agencies to host a “Waldorf Farmers’ Market Day” kick-off event on Saturday, June 23.
The event celebrates Waldorf Farmers’ Market, which is the first-ever farmers’ market in the Tri-County are to accept electronic Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) food stamp payments in addition to debit card, credit card, and cash payments. Waldorf Farmers’ Market vendors also are certified to accept Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program WIC and Senior checks and the WIC Fruit and Vegetable Coupons.
“This is a great opportunity for Charles County Government to support and encourage all citizens toward healthy eating.  We are excited to be included in this initiative,” said Commissioner Vice President Reuben B. Collins, II (District 3).
The June 23 kick-off celebration is planned with special entertainment, health demonstrations, food, and music during the market’s open hours, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.  The market is located near the new Waldorf library on St. Patrick’s Drive and O’Donnell Place.
The Waldorf Farmer’s Market received a grant from the Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission for this endeavor.  Sponsors of this initiative include: Civista Hospital, Colonial Farm Credit Bank, LifeStyles of Maryland, Inc., Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission, Eat Fresh Maryland, Charles County Departments of Health, Social Services and Community Services.
The Waldorf Farmer’s Market was established in 2008, and is a producer-only market made-up of vendors from the Southern Maryland region.  The Market provides local fresh produce and goods to the residents of Charles County.
For further information, contact Juan Thompson, Department of Social Services, at 301-392-6841 or JThomps4@dhr.state.md.us.

Filed in: Charles County, DHS News, Economic Assistance

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