On October 9, 2012, the Queen Anne’s County Child Abuse Response & Evaluation (CARE) Center partners gathered at the Office of the Sheriff to sign an Inter-Agency Agreement, reaffirming their commitment to providing a collaborative multi-disciplinary response to child maltreatment in Queen Anne’s County. Five agencies comprise the CARE Center partnership; Centreville Police Department, Maryland State Police – Barrack “S” Centreville, QAC’s Office of the Sheriff, Department of Social Services, and Office of the State’s Attorney. The CARE Center coordinates the multi-disciplinary response to suspected child maltreatment by increasing communication and collaboration among professional agencies involved in the investigative, medical, mental health, and judicial handling of child maltreatment.
Through direct experience, more than 60 child victims and their non-offending family members have benefited from CARE Center programs and services in a child friendly, safe environment since its formal establishment in September 2011. Combining the wisdom and professional knowledge of the multi-disciplinary CARE Team assures that children are not re-victimized by the system and receive services in a safe, culturally respectful environment, while assuring the community an evidence-supported “best practice” response to child maltreatment. To learn more about CARE Center programs and services, please visit our website at qaccare.org or call 410-758-8056.

Seated: Chief Rhodes -Centreville Police, Cathy Dougherty – Director QAC Department of Social Services, Lance Richardson – QAC State’s Attorney, Sheriff Hofmann – QAC Sheriff, Lt. Boardman – Commander, Maryland State Police Barrack “S” Centreville. Standing from left: Rob Penny – State’s Attorney’s Office, Det. Maria Bassaro – QAC Office of the Sheriff, Jody Simmons, Cindy Olah – QAC Department Social Services, Kelly Dixon – State’s Attorney’s Office, Christine Dulla – Deputy State’s Attorney, Vicki Rahenkamp – Mental Health, Pat Melcer- Care Center, D/Sgt Bruce Layton – QAC Office of the Sheriff, Susan Coppage – QAC Department of Social Services, Lt. Dwayne Embert – QAC Office of the Sheriff, Sgt. Tim McDonald – Maryland State Police.